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Our vision for permanent makeup is for the results to look as natural as possible. Whether with or without makeup, your features can stand out, achieving care-free beauty.
Eyebrow tattoo, eyebrow embroidery, and microblading expresses different shades of light and dark with every stroke from thick to thin to bring your eyebrows back to life.
我們在臉部 Tattoo 的理念是在素顏時、游泳丶坦承相對時,無粧狀態下所呈現出來自我的永久性的自然風格。跟化妝的千變萬化是截然不同的.
所有的梳、繡丶紋丶柔丶織眉術(Tattoo )不同的是深淺濃淡及缐條的表現,如果層次輕淺較能達到活化境界,一筆成形固然方便卻容易定型,刻板不在話下,改變更是困難.
Natural Microblading
Upper Eyeliner
Lower Eyeliner
Lip Line
Lip Blush
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